GEPR HOME >This Week’s Update (July 8, 2013)

This Week’s Update (July 8, 2013)

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This Week’s Updates

1)”Reformation of Energy Power System should be reformed! – 1” (in Japanese.). Review of Electric Utility Industry Law focusing on separation of electrical power production from power distribution and transmission and regional monopoly is considered. In June national assembly, it was dropped due to incomplete deliberation, yet, Abe Administration intends to re-submit it. However, would its enforcement have merit? Contribution by Kazuo Ishikawa, former METI official, who propose policies in neutral position. Ishikawa was once concerned in the system reform. This contribution will be in the series of 3 columns. Most people argue that review of separation of electrical power production from power distribution and transmission and monopoly will create competition and reduce power rates, this first column inspects whether this is true.

2)“Meaningless reforming power industry excluding electric utility” (in Japanese) . A column by Noriyuki Morimoto, who comments on energy issues from the point of view of business person active in money market. Currently, from special committee of METI to the Diet deliberations, bizarre situation, that they do not ask detailed opinion of electric utility who carries out the business, continues. He criticizes the situation.

3)“The film ‘Pandora’s Promise’ - U.S. environmentalist: Following the tracks, from negation to acceptance of nuclear power” (in Japanese) . An introduction of a documentary film “Pandora’s Promise” which generated reaction in the U.S. Agora Institute and GEPR will cooperate in showing the film in Japan. Further details coming.

This Week’s Links

1)”Electric Utility Industry Law reform proposal ‘enact in fall extraordinary Diet’ says PM in question time” (in Japanese).     
July 3rd article by Nikkei. Regarding Electric Utility Industry Law reform proposal which was dropped due to incomplete deliberation, government announced they aim to establish it. However, its reform, as GEPR took up in this week’s column, it has many problems. 。

2)“International conference ‘Nuclear energy in the 21st C. ‘on 21st century nuclear power (summary)”(in Japanese), July 4th report by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Report on the Conference held in St. Petersburg in Russia, initiative taken by the Russian President Putin. Japan talked about the experience of Fukushima, and expressed continuation of peaceful use of nuclear power. It was attended by Senior Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Isshu Sugawara.

3)“Obama’s global-warming folly” (in English) . July 5th opinion in the Washington Post. Conservative well-known columnist Charles Krauthammer criticizes Obama’s policy on global warming. Based on that the global warming issue is serious, he points out it is not simple as just quitting coal is going to settle everything. He concludes that “there is no point in America committing economic suicide”.

4)“TEPCO president and Governor of Niigata end in rupture regarding restart of Kashiwazaki-Kariwa”(in Japanese), July 5th article by Nikkei. Izumida, Governor of Niigata Prefecture, refused without discussion, and prior approval of resuming operation of TEPCO’s Kashiwazaki - Kariwa nuclear power stations in Niigata was passed. Governor does not have legal authority to stop operation of nuclear power station.

5)“Izumida Governor of Niigata does not have veto on re-operation application”(in Japanese), Regarding actions of Izumida, Governor of Niigata Prefecture, Nobuo Ikeda, President, Agora Institute, and former colleague with Izumida, criticizes.



Is Fukushima Dangerous? -- Distorted images of Japan - Morley Robertson × Nobuo Ikeda

What's happen? What was the cause in Fukushima? Morley Robertson, writer and DJ, talk about distorted images of Japan after Fukushima nuclear plant accident with Nobuo Ikeda.

21st Century Energy Challenges

At the ARPA-E 2012 summit, Bill Gates and U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu discussed the largest energy challenges of the 21st century in the U.S. and around the world.

A Web-TV Program "Is radiation really so harmful? Considering risks of nuclear power generation" (Japanese only)

Agora Institute, who operates GEPR, broadcasted a Web-TV program "Is radiation really so harmful? Considering risks of nuclear power generation" on internet video streaming channel "Niconico Live " on January 19th (in Japanese only) . Nobuo Ikeda, President of Agora Incorporated, and three experts on radiation, risk analysis, and energy policy discussed about the situations after Fukushima nuclear accident. Their opinions were consistent that potentiality of health damage caused by the Fukushima accident is very small. GEPR will provide a summary about this program soon.


Agora Inc., who operates GEPR, releases a podcast program which was originally aired on Jan. 19th, 2012on internet video streaming channel "Nico-nico Live"; "Is radiation really so harmful? Considering risks of nuclear power generation" (Japanese only) The panel: Nobuo Ikeda, Akihiro Sawa, Jun Takada, and Hiroyuki Matsuda
