This Week’s Update (April 1, 2013)
This Week’s Update
1) ”Electric Power Industry: Reorganization is needed more than separation of electrical power production from power distribution and transmission – looking towards the future of nuclear power”(in Japanese). An interview with Kazuo Ishikawa, a policy maker. The government hammered out electricity liberalization by 2020 centering on separation of electrical power production from power distribution and transmission. However, would this have the necessary effect for consumers and the company of ‘reducing electricity price’? Furthermore, nothing has been decided on nuclear power generation. Will consistent policy be carried out? Ishikawa argues rather than that there is cost merit by the expansion of scale, and nuclear power should be separated and its government control in the new company.
2) “Successful sulfur oxide regulation policy – Use as reference for denuclearization and with China"(in Japanese) by Takaaki Ishii, economic and environmental journalist. He draws a lesson to the current energy policy, referencing to the successful example of the past industrial policy. He points out that details such as implementing determined numerical target, reduction of greenhouse gas, management policy of the nuclear power generation ratio and so on, are something that can be applied to modern energy policy. Rationality was pursued in the policy.
3) “Sense of incongruity to electricity sale of Tokyo Metropolitan Government” (in Japanese). A column by Ryuzo Yamamoto, chief researcher, IEEI, and professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Tokoha University. Tokyo Metropolitan government sold electricity from their water power plant which they used to sell to TEPCO to another company. He questions its action as Tokyo is a stockholder of TEPCO and a governmental agency in the area faced with electric power shortage.
This Week’s Links
1) “Fictitious rate raise” (in Japanese), by Nobuo Ikeda, Director, Agora Institute. A raise of the electricity rate is been requested, however, it is taking into account the operation of the nuclear power plant which is been stopped. With continued overregulation by Nuclear Regulation Authority, prospect of resuming operation is not in sight. Nevertheless, taking it into account, makes the deficit continue even after the raise. This absurd situation must be changed.
2) “Complete social change: "Cher revolution" beyond expectations – Successive nuclear decommissioning in the U.S.” (in Japanese), an article by the Sankei Shimbun, April 1, 2013. Reports that the change of the situation in the U.S. is astonishing. By a rational solution with cheap energy switch, the future of the energy may greatly change.
3) “Introduction; US nuclear exit?” (in English), a research paper by John Mecklin on “Bulletin of Atomic Scientist. The U.S. operates and are moving towards establishing more nuclear power stations. It is criticism and introducing the trend of the restraint of the electric power company.