This Week’s Update — Considering Successions of Nuclear Technique (23rd July, 2012)
Debate about the nuclear power and the world after Fukushima nuclear accident continues in Japan. We introduce topics for readers to think about the issue of atomic energy.
This Week’s Column
1) Prof. Wade Allison, Emeritus Professor of Physics and Fellow of Keble College, University of Oxford, contributed an article “The Fukushima Accident and the NAIIC Report”. He overviewed NAIIC (National Diet of Japan, Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission) Report. and questions NAIIC’s analysis of the low dose exposure emphasizing a health risk.
2) Mr. Moriyasu Tokiwai, former technical expert at CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electrical Power Industry) contributed a column“High Safety Nuclear Power Plant ‘Fast-Neutron Reactor’ - Reevaluation and Successions.
This Week’s Link
1)Worldwide health effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident (Summary)
Energy & Environmental Science
Stanford University researchers contributed the report. But there are some questions. They estimate risks about the death by using LNT hypothesis, and that is not appropriate.