From "25 Years from the Chernobyl Accident: Summary and Overview of its Impact and Overcoming the After-effect, 1986-2011", the last chapter "Conclusion"
GEPR introduce the report of the Chernobyl accident, which was published by the Russian government. Thanks to Dr. Keiichi Nakagawa, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tokyo University, who provided the Japanese translation. GEPR appreciate his kind cooperation.
The original Russian report is on the web of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We will provide English version of this conclusion soon, which will be translated from this Japanese translation.
The conclusion pointed out the followings.
- The direct death caused by this accident is 50 people. 134 workers who attended fire extinguishing of the nuclear reactor suffered acute radiation injury, of which 28 died immediately. By end of 2010, further 22 people died. Other death from acute radiation injury has not been confirmed.
- The Russian government’s analysis of the situation after 25 years from the accident reveals, compared with radioactive element, economic and social impacts due to the Chernobyl accident brought much more serious damage, such as psychological stress, disruption of familiar lifestyles limitations of economic activities and material losses.
These analyses would be helpful in dealing with the Fukushima nuclear accident. The radiation dose in Fukushima is lower, and potentials of health hazards are small. Nevertheless due to social disruption, there are growing damages caused by the accident. It is a similar situation to the Chernobyl accident
Japanese should deal with accidents calmly, and should not repeat the mistakes of Chernobyl.